YouTube Advertising Marches On..

Not much evidence of any sluggishness in the ad market in YouTube numbers reported this week with a forth sequential quarter of double digit growth. At this rate they’re on target for their first 10Bn quarter by the end of the year.

Note: these numbers don’t include YouTube premium which in my experience is somewhere between 10% and 20% of total revenues, which would peg it in the 1Bn to 2Bn range (it’s reported separately alongside other sub (e.g. Music) device and platform revenue).

YouTube are still circumspect on the revenue contribution from Shorts, usage yes but its impact as a direct revenue driver is yet to be seen. CTV still super important and growing (30% YoY).

At the risk of stating the obvious, for any premium streamer or broadcaster, this is your #1 competitor! And anyone who continues to use the term ‘broadcast quality’ in the context of being a competitive advantage, from now on i’m just going to assume that you’re struggling to monetise it 😬